Saturday, July 27, 2013


Ahoy there, Sexy!  Now tell me, by what stretch of the imagination did I deserve to find, in my sister's old jewelry box, the three Israeli designed bracelets given to me by my 1st grade piano teacher?  Amazing how far memorizing a piano solo could get you in those days.

The bracelets were pretty big on my wrist, so I'm wearing them over a long sleeved button down.


Paula said...

Your teacher bought you presents!!? What a cool teacher! These bracelets are really ornate.

♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

Unknown said...

cute bracelets!!!

P.S. the details about the Liebster award (the one I nominated you for) are now up on my blog. Check them out to see what you need to do to officially be entered.

xx Kristen