Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I maintain that all young people have a fear of being taken too seriously.

He was pushing my buttons.  Texts after midnight saying all of "heyy".  My friends told me to give it time, let him figure out I was through with our friendship, but I didn't have the patience.  The truth of it was, he wasn't a nice boy.  Immaturity, along with misogynistic jokes, dripped from his every word (call me old-fashioned, but since when did bitch become a synonym for woman?").  I wanted to get rid of him and I knew just the way.  After awakening one night to five unread texts, not entirely an unreasonable amount, but in this case most sincerely unwelcome, I answered, "why are you obsessed with me?"  And wish granted!  Not a reply text in sight.  Was I a bit harsh?  Sure, but in an interesting experimenty kind of way, it helped prove the point that even the suggestion of caring too much about something or someone will send even the most self-assured whippersnapper into defensive mode.  Because in the world of the 20 somethings, is there anything worse than being too wound up, or god-forbid, uptight?

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