I now know how much fun shopping for and buying an oversized velvet dolman top can be. But that wearing said top, or even successfully leaving the house with it on my back could be a challenge. Why so hard you ask? Have you ever owned a spectacular piece of clothing, but worried that wearing it out on a casual day would make you look like you were trying to hard? (a social taboo for young people in today's society. Call Me Maybe completely proves my theory. Almost 50 years ago Frank Sinatra sang Call Me. What's with this "maybe"? What must we be so noncommittal!)
Back to the point: I have a few clothing items I've been scared to wear for that exact reason (one of these includes a full-length sparkly gold dress). So what's a girl to do? Leave all my adventurous clothes in the back of my closet and opt for the same old t-shirt that does an oh-so-excellent job of calming my trying-too-hard fears? Well, no... because WHY THE HELL do I even buy clothes if I'm not going to wear them! (I had to give myself a little shake there). As you can see from my photo, I decided it was time to put my qualms to rest and wear my fabulous top. And ya know what? Not one person I passed on the street gave a damn that I was trying.
Velvet top by Urban Outfitters. Shoes by Lulu Townsend. I made my own shorts and necklace.
I say just forget the anziety and wear it! Ive recently moved from a large city to a beach town and I feel like my clothes are all too fancy now... but what am I gonna do? Buy all new clothes?
You should wear this top - its really cool and those heels are CHOICE.
♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.
Thank you! I bought the shoes recently to wear to my sister's wedding <3
Um those shoes are bomb.
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